Confluence Films Announces Premiere Events for New 2013 Film, WAYPOINTS


From Confluence Films:

Confluence Films, in the final stages of production of their fourth feature-length film, WAYPOINTS, announced today that the world premiere date for the new fly fishing film will be Friday, November 8, 2013. What makes the premiere unusual, however, is the fact that it will take place in dozens of different locations and different cities at the same time.

Rather than setting up multiple-date screenings in different cities, Confluence’s plan for WAYPOINTS is to have a single, synchronized world premiere night that takes place exclusively on November 8.  With a goal of setting up more than 50 screening events, Confluence is inviting conservation groups, fly shops, clubs and other fly fishing entities to organize and host a synchronized premiere, allowing people all across the country and throughout the world the opportunity to be “the very first” to view the new Confluence movie. This synchronized premiere concept also enables Confluence to promote these collective events as “The Biggest Single Night of Fly Fishing Film in the World!”

Starting with the release of DRIFT in 2008, RISE in 2009 and CONNECT in 2011, Confluence Films has always offered early screenings of their films to entities and organizations that were willing to screen the films in the right venues in a professional, high-quality manner, and give a large portion of the proceeds back to a local or regional fisheries-based conservation entity or project.  Through this program, Confluence has helped raise close to $200,000.00 for conservation with their first three films over the past five years. Entities interested in organizing and hosting a WAYPOINTS screening event for November 8 should contact Confluence Films right away to lock in the location and event details.

Filming throughout the year has taken place on St. Brandon’s Atoll in the Indian Ocean, in the jungles of Venezuela for payara, in Patagonian Chile, in India and Nepal for Golden Mahseer, and in Southeast Alaska for spring steelhead. As with Drift, Rise and Connect, the new film project is the result of a partnership by Director and Cinematographer Chris Patterson of Warren Miller Entertainment and Executive Producer and Writer Jim Klug of Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures. Anglers featured in the new film include Dan “Rooster” Leavens, Oliver White, Chris Yrazabal, Greg Bricker, Brett Seng, Jeff Currier, Wil Flack, Travis Peterson, and the guides of Flycastaway of South Africa. Title sponsors of “Waypoints” include Simms Fishing Products, Costa Del Mar, Hatch Reels, Yeti Coolers and Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures.


1.  Send Confluence Films an email with confirmation that you want to host the event, as well as information on your group, club or shop, and your planned location and planned show details. You will also need to provide the name of the fisheries-based conservation group or project that will be the beneficiary of the premiere event. By mid-summer, this information will be added to the Confluence Films website and Facebook page in order to help you better promote your November 8 screening.

2. Confluence will send you a contract form to complete and return. This will confirm that you are “officially” locked in as the entity in your region that will screen WAYPOINTS for the first time. The screening event must be held in a legitimate theater setting with quality sound and projection.

3.  As with the CONNECT screening events in 2011, Confluence will be using the services of and to produce all event posters, mailing postcards, tickets, etc.  This is an entity that will assist event organizers with selling tickets on line in a well-organized and cost-effective manner.  Utilizing this service IS A REQUIREMENT for all screenings of WAYPOINTS, and will include all posters, event PR materials, and on-line ticketing services. (The cost of this inexpensive service will be covered in the event cost by the promoting club or entity).

4. Finally, the basic screening fee to reserve an event date will be $300.00 per event. This will help Confluence cover the costs of the screening Blue-Ray’s and DVD’s, all shipping, etc.  Confluence will also include a set of the previous three Confluence titles that can be used for an event drawing, door prize, etc.  Event organizers will also be able to purchase Confluence DVD’s to sell at the screening event – including the new film, which will be available.  DVD sales should help to off-set the $300.00 screening fee.

Clubs, conservation entities, fly shops and other groups interested in hosting a screening event on November 8, 2013 should email Mary Pat Harris at Confluence Films right away at

Confluence Films
Email: or
Office Phone:  (406) 585-8667
Fax:  (406) 585-8657


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