Casting For Recovery 2009 Retreat Schedule Announced


Manchester, VT: December 16, 2008: Casting for Recovery (CFR), a national, non-profit support and
educational program for women who have or have had breast cancer, announces that the retreat
schedule for 2009 is now available on the website,

Casting for Recovery® (CFR), founded in 1996, is a national non-profit support and educational program for breast cancer survivors. We enhance the lives of breast cancer survivors by offering no-cost retreats tailored to promote and support mental and physical healing through shared experiences and the learning of new skills. At the end of 2008 we will have served 3,500 women through 224 retreats with the help of over 1,000 volunteers nationwide.

Through 2½-day retreats, the sport of fly-fishing is used to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. The effective balance between the physical benefits of the gentle exercise provided by fly-fishing and the counseling curriculum benefits women at any age and any stage of treatment or recovery. The program allows women to get away from their cancer, while providing support from the medical/psychosocial professionals present at every retreat.


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