TFO to introduce “The Clouser” Fly Rod


Casting heavily weighted flies presents a challenge to many modern fly rod actions. For years I have been looking for a multi-species fly rod that puts “the ease” in casting weighted flies and sinking fly lines. The fly rod designers at Temple Fork Outfitters answered this challenge by developing The Clouser Series of Fly Rods.

By no means a single species fly rod; I have caught many species of fresh and saltwater fish with ease on these prototypes. Anglers that use weighted flies or split shot should find this series ideal, dry fly fishers will also benefit from the rods ability to deliver tight loops and specialty casts required to present the fly. The eight foot nine inch length enables the design to perform as expected; light in the hand and super sensitive…I like to say, “I can feel them breathing on the fly as they inhale it”.

Although not car door or tailgate proof, the TiCr coating in the finish that helps protect the rod from collisions with hooks, weighted flies. The attractive blue blank is easy on the eyes as are the three burled cork rings included on the grips; which has the added benefit of preventing wear from many hours of use. Hook keepers have been added and Lefty’s color coded alignment dot system allows for easy line size recognition. The four-piece design makes transportation easy.

I thank Temple Fork Outfitters for their outstanding job in developing this series of fly rods. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

Bob Clouser

Thank you, Bob, for sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm…both appear to be limitless.

The Clouser series will be introduced this summer as part of the TiCrX family of rods. Available in weights 5 – 9 with retail prices of $224.95 and $249.95. All TFO rods feature an unconditional lifetime warranty. Simply return the damaged rod with $25 for shipping and handling, and we will repair or replace your rod. For more information about The Clouser rods or any of our other fine products contact your local TFO dealer or visit our website at


Jim Shulin

Temple Fork Outfitters

8115 Sovereign Row

Dallas, TX 75247

(800) 638-9052 Ph

(214) 638-8143 Fax



  1. When and where will the “Clouser” rod be avaialable in the Dallas area?

    This is my comment.

  2. When and where will the “Clouser” rod be avaialable in the Dallas area?

    This is my comment.

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