The Passing of Jim Repine


Press Release: June 15, 2009

The Passing of Jim Repine

The fly-fishing industry has lost another of its personalities.

Jim Repine, 75, author, photojournalist, guide, lodge-owner and friend to many in the fly-fishing industry died June 7, 2009 at his home in Santiago, Chile. Jim succumbed to a brain tumor that was diagnosed in December 2008.

Jim was born in Virginia, served in the Marines, migrated to Alaska in 1968, and after a successful 20-year career in the outdoors there, moved to Chile. In Chile, Jim and his wife Sonia owned and operated the Futaleufu Lodge on the river of the same name, near the Argentina-Chile border. Jim’s life works include hundreds of magazine articles and columns, several books, and numerous photo-essays depicting trout and salmon fishing from around the globe. In addition to his homewaters in Alaska, Chile and Argentina, Jim particularly loved Ireland, England, Japan, and the Atlantic Salmon venues of Northeastern Canada. His articles have appeared in almost every significant fly-fishing and travel journal in the world.

Jim Repine was a great friend to fly-fishermen around the world and is among the most-respected of the fly-fishing press and personalities.

Harry J. Briscoe

Hexagraph Fly Rod Company



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  1. We all miss Jimito,as he is affectionately called by his friends. Jim was a larger than life person,full of stories real and imagined ,of fish and fishermen.His hospitality was legendary,and his fly tying superb.To fish alongside of him was more than a privilage….. adios,amigo…I’ll bet he is now casting with his peers. Warren

  2. Tom Husereau on

    I met Jim about thirty two years ago when I first moved to Alaska.
    Iwas 13 years old.
    I belonged to a youth group at church that Jim helped run with Father Bernie.
    One can never forget someone like Jim, he reminds you of a Gentle Giant.
    His freindship was always with you, even when we fell out of touch.
    I was lucky to have been in touch with Jim the last couple of years, even though it was via email.
    Jim may never know how many hearts he touched during his life time , I am happy to say he touched mine.
    Jim will be sorely missed by myself and by my Family.
    If Kathy happens to read this please email me.

  3. Jim Trombley on

    Like Tom I also met Jim many years ago as a part of the same youth group. Like most, if not all of us in that group, I learn much from Jim. He taught us the love and pleasure of the great outdoors. I attribute my passion for fly fishing to his teachings.

    I last saw him in Seattle at a Sportsman’s show and had the pleasure of hearing from him after reading about his lodge.

    I wish I had been able to spend one last day on the river with him. He will be missed forever.

    My best to Kathy and his family in Chili.

  4. I met Jim some 30 years ago. I had just opened a lodge in Iliamna Alaska. Jim was a friend not only in the good times but especially when the going got a little tough. When it mattered he stood up and was counted, not only by myself and my family, but by inumerable others. I had the priveledge of spending days on the river with he and jubal. He will be remembered and loved by many. Joe Norris, Jr.

  5. Oh my gosh…I was worried about Jim being hurt in the earthquake in Chile today and found out he died last summer! I met Jim in 1974 when I moved to Alaska from Seattle at the age of build & operate Silvertip Lodges on The Talachulitna River. We remained good friends up until the time I moved back to the Seattle area in 1989. We worked together doing the Sports Show Circuit for several years for Silvertip Lodges and again in 1984-85 for Mike Cusack’s King Salmon Lodge. He was such a joker…always made me laugh…especially when I was down. He was a typical Alaskan always wanted to help if he could and he helped me in many ways through the years in Alaska from teaching me how to fly fish to supporting me with my TV and musical career. He helped to introduce me to many of fishing’s greats including Mel Kreiger, The Wulfs, Lefty Kreh, Steve Rajeff, Ed Ow and so, so many more. I am sorry that I didn’t re-connect with him before he passed….but I will always remember & respect his love for nature and his kind heart.

    Cookie Spirk
    Camano Island, WA

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