Anglers’ Magazine Use Still Notable, but Internet Dependency Rises.


For Immediate Release:  July 20, 2009

Contact: [email protected]

In 2008, Anglers, Hunters, and Shooters were asked which media they prefer for fishing, hunting, or shooting information.  Magazines were proved the most popular media choice for Angler information, according to last year’s AnglerSurvey results.  In 2009, websites increasingly became the most popular means for Angler entertainment and information, with Hunters still relying on primarily on magazines.

According to the June 2009, magazines continued as the primary source by Hunters with 49.9%; risen from 46.7% in 2008. However, the recent results show internet to be the most popular information and entertainment source, with 41.9%; risen from 33.6% in 2008- an 8.2% increase.

Although Anglers’ majority preference shifted in 2009 from magazines to websites, magazines still remain the next best alternative, with 32.5%; from 38.5% in 2008.  Although Hunters mostly preferred magazines, internet choice remains in 2008, at 26.1%, and in 2009, at 26.9%, the second most commonly used means., and help the outdoor equipment industry, government wildlife and fisheries officials, and conservation organizations track consumer activities and expenditure trends. The information above represents only a small sample of the vast amount of data that is available from the complete survey results. The results are scientifically analyzed to reflect all U.S. sportsmen and women.


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