The original “Taupo” Perfect fly reel was introduced in 1958 to fill the need for a larger capacity trout reel to handle the legendary monster Rainbows and Browns of New Zealand. Despite a relatively short production life of only four years, the “Taupo” was eagerly sought after as a steelhead, Light salmon, and large trout reel. Continued demand for this classic reel inspired Hardy to reintroduce the “Taupo” for 2011. While all the dimensions and aesthetics are true to the original, they have made a couple of improvements. The new “Taupo” is machined from solid bar stock aluminum and hard anodized for strength and
This construction also does away buy alprazolam drug with the need for a line guard, which was anoption on the 1958 – 1962 reels. The check mechanism has been changed from the MK II to the more modern Lightweight style, which enables the angler to change from Left to Right hand retrieve at will. While maintaining the looks, feel, and spirit of it ancestor, the new “Taupo” is a stronger and more functional successor a Hardy classic. The “Taupo”; the Perfect reel for Switch, Light Spey, Atlantic Salmon and Steelhead.
Reel Specs:
Diameter: 3 7/8″
Width of Spool: 1″
Overall Width: 1 1/2″
Depth of Spool, cross bar to spindle: 1 1/2″
Weight: 7 1/2 OZ
Retail Price: $695
Reel Bag: $14.95