Results from the 2010 Mid-Year Fly Fishing Market Survey


A special mid-year report on the U.S. fly fishing market produced for the International Fly Tackle Dealer (IFTD) Show is available from Southwick Associates. The report presents data collected from Southwick Associates’ service, a monthly online consumer panel survey of U.S. anglers that tracks monthly changes in angler participation and purchases. Below is an overview of basic demographic information included in the report:

Summary of Survey Respondents:

January – June 2009     January – June 2010
Fly & Standard Fishing Only – Fly & Standard Fishing – Fly Fishing Only
* “Fly & Standard Fishing” means that they participated in other types of fishing

Under 18        6.3%    .5%     4.7%    2.3%
18 to 24        4.3%    .0%     3.3%    2.2%
25 to 34        23.1%   17.5%   29.0%   26.1%
35 to 44        26.8%   30.9%   22.6%   21.4%
45 to 54        21.8%   25.3%   22.2%   25.6%
55 to 64        11.6%   17.1%   12.3%   16.1%
65 and older    6.0%    8.7%    5.9%    6.4%

Total   100.0%  100.0%  100.0%  100.0%


Household Income
January – June 2009     January – June 2010

Under $10,000   8.1%    2.6%    7.2%    4.3%
$10,000 to $19,999      5.7%    6.2%    8.1%    9.4%
$20,000 to $29,999      8.2%    6.8%    8.6%    8.2%
$30,000 to $39,999      12.9%   8.0%    15.7%   13.5%
$40,000 to $49,999      10.9%   14.4%   10.4%   7.7%
$50,000 to $74,999      22.7%   29.0%   24.6%   26.6%
$75,000 to $99,999      14.9%   15.0%   11.9%   14.4%
$100,000 or above       16.6%   18.1%   13.5%   15.9%

Total   100.0%  100.0%  100.0%  100.0%


Education Level
January – June 2009     January – June 2010

11 years or less        3.8%    1.6%    1.9%    1.9%
12 years        18.1%   9.9%    18.1%   12.1%
1-3 years of college    40.9%   33.2%   35.8%   32.6%
4 or more years of college      37.2%   55.3%   44.1%   53.4%

Total   100.0%  100.0%  100.0%  100.0%


Methods of freshwater fishing used by ALL anglers by month
* “Fly & Standard Fishing” means that they participated in other types of fishing
Fishing with dead bait  – Fly fishing – Fishing with live bait – Fishing with artificial baits, except flies

Jan 2010        13.6%   7.9%    51.7%   71.7%   .0%     N=749
Feb 2010        14.1%   7.6%    46.9%   70.6%   .0%     N=916
Mar 2010        14.3%   9.8%    39.0%   80.4%   .0%     N=1414
Apr 2010        13.2%   12.8%   46.8%   79.8%   .0%     N=1616
May 2010        14.5%   13.7%   43.7%   79.3%   .0%     N=1724
Jun 2010        16.2%   16.7%   47.1%   79.7%   .0%     N=1751

Methods of saltwater fishing used by ALL anglers by monthFishing with dead bait – Fly fishing – Fishing with live bait – Fishing with artificial baits, except flies

Jan 2010        59.3%   6.1%    40.6%   67.3%   1.1%    N=147
Feb 2010        60.1%   3.7%    42.9%   68.0%   3.1%    N=269
Mar 2010        47.5%   4.0%    52.7%   67.1%   1.7%    N=308
Apr 2010        50.3%   3.4%    41.6%   75.2%   .6%     N=366
May 2010        58.8%   3.5%    45.0%   67.9%   1.6%    N=455
Jun 2010        51.4%   6.2%    47.9%   64.8%   2.1%    N=520

Age of Respondent
January – June 2009     January – June 2010

Under 18        6.3%    .5%     4.7%    2.3%
18 to 24        4.3%    .0%     3.3%    2.2%
25 to 34        23.1%   17.5%   29.0%   26.1%
35 to 44        26.8%   30.9%   22.6%   21.4%
45 to 54        21.8%   25.3%   22.2%   25.6%
55 to 64        11.6%   17.1%   12.3%   16.1%
65 and older    6.0%    8.7%    5.9%    6.4%
Total   100.0%  100.0%  100.0%  100.0%

More detailed information, such specific market share data is available in the report.  For more information on this report or to find out how can help grow your business contact Rob Southwick at [email protected].


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