The Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation, the organization responsible for the national “Take Me Fishing” campaign to promote participation in fishing, is in the process of expanding its online resources. Fly fishing will be included in this mix… in fact, Angling Trade editor Kirk Deeter, is now one of the regular writers for the take me fishing blog. If you have ideas for blog topics, please contact Kirk via E-mail at
If you haven’t checked out the “Take Me Fishing” resources, you should, and you should promote them among your clients/prospects. The website offers numerous opportunities for retailers to be involved with RBFF and its campaign. For more information on programs and materials that help promote participation in fishing, click here.
One other note: RBFF is promoting “National Fishing and Boating Week” June 4-12. NFBW is an annual, national celebration of fishing that, in many states, coincides with “free fishing” days. Whether your business involves the boating aspect or not, this is an opportunity to support fishing outreach by reminding local media about this event, suggesting an angle/story, and inviting them to fish (and more importantly, encourage others to do so).
The fly fishing community has been looking for ways to expand exposure and increase participation. Here is an array of established, national resources and events… and fly fishing is clearly welcomed in the mix. Do check it out, get involved and utilize the opportunity.