Korkers Wading Boot Takes Home Honors from IFTD


As many anglers become more and more eco-conscious (an undoubtedly good thing), in an era when we know felt-soled wading boots can contribute to the spread of aquatic invasive species that ruin rivers (things like mudsnails, didymo, and the like), a lot of fly fishers are choosing their boots carefully.

The Korkers Metalhead wading boot won to “Eco-Friendly” award honors at the International Fly Tackle Dealers show recently, because the boots’ interchangeable outsoles can be treated, switched, frozen, or dried in a way that helps protect the waters.

Let’s be clear: No product is, purely by design, a cure-all to the threats posed by aquatic invasive species.  But if you have a choice to wash your boots, and then pop off the soles and freeze them overnight (versus freezing your boots entirely), eco-friendly fishing becomes a heckuva lot easier.    The boots themselves are hydrophobic, meaning they absorb less and dry faster (and shrink less when they do dry).  And the forthcoming “Svelte 2” sole material offers a reliable alternative to felt.  Metalheads are easy to slip on and off too.  Retail for the boots is $159.99-$179.99.

Sam Houser of Korkers talks about the new Svelte 2 soles in the video below:



  1. I bought my first pair of Korker Guide boots two years ago Ilove these boots and bought a pair for my wife as well. My problem is that I fish the Miramichi River for over 100 days each summer and the felts are wearing out and have been unable to find replacement soles.
    My size is 11R KK 003/004. Can anyone help where I might be able to find new soles.



  2. Jeff Medina on

    I have some felts that I have never worn if you are interested in buying them. I purchased the Korker Chromes and have been using them. Just send me an email (we can negotiate a fair price) and I can get them sent out to you.

    Best regards,

    [email protected]

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  4. I have owned Korkers boots for over seven years. The third generation Metalheads and Chromes are phenomenal boots. The BOA lacing system is the best thing to hit wading boots in the last decade. I am the manager of a fly shop in Idaho and used a pair of Metalheads last season. I recently bought a pair of Chromes and will never use anything else. Two weeks we got our first set of Svelete 2 in stock. I bought them and have fished six different waterways in Idaho, Oregon and Montana. Freeze them overnight and you are ready for the next river. The soles preform awesome! They truly grip better than felt but hold 5x less water and dry 4x faster. (No more pools of water on my wife’s floor mats.) You can check out our video review at:

  5. Paul Tragis on

    Hi All.
    I owned a pair of the first generation boots where the soles would fall off and flop around your ankles. OK new product, let’s try the second generation. Same problem, Talked with customer service. Not even a sorry for the problem. These boots are not cheap.

    I still am vary interested in the concept and maybe someday Korker will perfect. Are the soles staying on? I notice the have some good nubs that actually insert into the boot. How is Korkers customer service these days? Do they still have an attitude? Paul

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