DON’T SUCK The Upper Colorado River Dry!


Care about the Colorado River? Join us for a Rally for the River to show your support for keeping the upper Colorado River alive despite threats to its flows and future. The Rally kicks off this Thursday (Jan. 26th) at 12pm in downtown Denver on the corner of 16th street and Wynkoop in front of the EPA Region 8 headquarters.

Bring your friends. Free Pizza, t-shirts and signs will be provided to participants.

Please RSVP on Facebook so we know how much pizza to order by clicking here or email [email protected].

Why a rally?

Colorado is facing a monumental regulatory decision that could determine the fate of our state’s namesake river. In a matter of weeks, federal agencies, including the EPA, will decide how best to protect the Upper Colorado River from potentially devastating impacts of the Windy Gap Firming Project – a proposed water project that threatens to reduce the Colorado River’s flows to less than 20% of its historic levels. As currently proposed by the Bureau of Reclamation, the Windy Gap Firming Project fails to include measures that will keep the Colorado River cold, clean and healthy below Windy Gap – a stretch of the Colorado River that currently sustains local agriculture, a vibrant recreation economy, and other outdoor activities.

Through this rally, we hope to convey to our decision-makers at the state and federal level that Coloradans care about our rivers and support policies that adequately balance development with protection.  Our healthy, free-flowing rivers are what set our state apart from others across the west – it’s why we live here.

The time is now

“This is a moment of truth for our state,” says Sinjin Eberle, president of Colorado Trout Unlimited, a sportsmen’s conservation group that is helping to organize the event. “Unless the Upper Colorado receives stronger protections than currently proposed, this once-mighty river faces a long, continued decline—and a potential ecological collapse. Once these rivers are gone—they’re gone. Colorado is our home – these places are ours – and we want them protected.”

Please consider joining us this Thursday at 16th and Wynkoop to show your support for keeping the Colorado River alive. RSVP by clicking here or email [email protected]


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