Winston Announces Winners of their 4th Film Festival


From Winston:

Winston today announced the winners of the 4th Film Festival.  After a careful and lengthy deliberation on the part of our jury, James Prosek, Steve Ransohoff and Chad Oman, we are pleased to announce the following winners of the Fourth Film Festival.

The Golden Trout Award – For Best Film goes to “Sound of the Tundra”, a stunningly beautiful film of the huge caddis-eating trout found in Russia’s arctic tundra region. Filmed on the remote upper eastern Litza River, this award winning film was submitted by Kristian Ropp. The Grand Prize for the Best Film is a Winston Boron 9′ 5-weight Conservation Rod. In addition, Winston, on the behalf of World Trout, will donate 20% of the value of the Conservation Rod ($1800) to the conservation project of Kristian’s choice. “I’m really excited to get another Winston rod to accompany my classic 9′ 4-wt IM6 rod. A limited edition conservation rod is of course even better. Thank you Winston for the great prize and for making such wonderful rods.”

The Silver Trout Awards:
For Best Freshwater Film goes to “Lower 4” submitted by Matt Lenz.
For Best Saltwater Film goes to “Andros 2010” submitted by Scott Gibney.
The Silver Trout winners will receive their choice of any Boron or graphite rod as their Film Festival prize.

The Bronze Trout Awards:
For Best Freshwater Film goes to “River That Time Forgot” submitted by Mikey Wier.
For Best Saltwater Film goes to “Magic African Tigers” submitted by Jean-Pierre and Kathleen Piccin.    
The Bronze Trout Winners will receive $100 worth of the Winston accessories of their choice as their Film Festival prize.

Certificates will be presented to all winners. Winston and the Festival Jury congratulate the winners for their fabulous award-winning films.  The Jury consists of James Prosek, renowned artist, conservationist and writer; Chad Oman, President of Production with Jerry Bruckheimer Films, and Steve Ransohoff, President of Film Finances, Inc.  “It’s always a pleasure to watch the entries to the Winston film festival: every one of them…to slide into the secret fishing world of others and get to live through many, very personal days on the water.” – James Prosek

Stay tuned and get your films ready to submit for the upcoming announcement about our new 2012 Festival for all entries submitted during 2012!  

For more information contact Festival Director, Kevin Turman at, or Leslie Clark at

Download a PDF version of this press release here.   



  1. I don’t know… a lot of grain and blotch on my end. Seems Winston folks need to take some of the profit from those $1800.- Conservation rods and build a decent vid channel. If your going to do something…do it right
    Split the screen and watch Lower 48 on both WC and Vimeo…not sayin, jus sayin

  2. Pingback: Tippets: Irish NYC Chef/Fly Angler, Artist’s Inspiration, Winston Film Festival Winners, Lake Trout and MFWP | MidCurrent

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