Sportsmen Laud Passage of House Conservation Legislation


From TRCP:

Legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives will sustain hunting and angling opportunities and help secure sportsmen’s access to valuable public lands, the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership announced today.

The Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012 (H.R. 4089), which passed the House last night with bipartisan support and a vote of 274-146, would require federal land managers to consider impacts to hunting and angling when developing land management plans, among other measures.

“The Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012 encourages access for hunting and angling, thus preserving the sporting heritage that is central to our national identity,” said TRCP President and CEO Whit Fosburgh. “American sportsmen offer our thanks to Congress, which demonstrated its interest in promoting sportsmen’s values by passing this legislation, and we look forward to working with Senate decision makers to further strengthen it in the critical months to come.”

“We greatly appreciate the work of the House Natural Resources Committee in incorporating the manager’s amendment, which helps clarify the intent of this important legislation,” said Gary Taylor, legislative director with the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, a TRCP partner, “and we remain dedicated to advancing efforts that enable access, by sportsmen and others, to America’s invaluable public lands.”

Read the TRCP 2012 Conservation Policy Agenda, which outlines policy issues crucial to America’s hunting and angling traditions.

Inspired by the legacy of Theodore Roosevelt, the TRCP is a coalition of organizations and grassroots partners working together to preserve the traditions of hunting and fishing.


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