From USAC:
The previously-scheduled meeting to discuss the ruling from the 4th District Court on the Utah Stream Access Coalition’s Public Waters Case is postponed until further notice.
This meeting was to have been held at the City Library on Thursday, May 17th. The ruling had been expected by Tuesday, May 8th (60-days from the date that Oral Arguments were presented), but, as of today (Tuesday, May 15th) it has yet to be issued by the Court.
We will let you know when the ruling is issued and we will post a copy of it under the Lawsuits/Public Waters Case tab on our website once it is available. We will reschedule the general membership meeting to discuss the ruling and its implications once our attorneys have had the opportunity to study it.
We apologize for the late notice. We expected the ruling would have been issued by now.
Thank you for your patience, and your support.
The Board of Directors
Utah Stream Access Coalition