It’s Show Time… August Issue & Ad Space


These next few months are when fly fishing happens. Not only on the wild rivers and lakes in a literal sense… it’s also when new products for next year issues, and trends come to the fore at the ICAST, Outdoor Retailer, and International Fly Tackle Dealer trade shows.

Nobody has the inside track on the fly industry in North America like Angling Trade does. And there’s no place you’d rather showcase your company and your products than in Angling Trade, especially in the next issue. It’s the biggest, most-read issue of the year, and it’s where new products and companies are made. It’s also where the hot topics get tackled. In our next issue, we’re diving headlong into the “direct sales” fray. We’re getting real about social media. We’re talking about access and conservation issues. We’ll talk about Cabela’s and the big boxes. And we’ve enlisted some of the best professional talent in the writing business to do that.

Remember, Angling Trade reaches everyone in the fly fishing business–manufacturers, retailers, outfitters, etc.–We reach the majority of retailers in the country who will not go to the IFTD show, as well as the several dozen that will.

We’ll also be producing three product-focused special-edition electronic newsletters from the IFTD show in Reno. We’ll highlight the best new products, and share that content on, the largest consumer fly fishing news resource online.

Ad space is very limited in this next issue, and with those newsletters. So please contact me as soon as possible if you want to be included.

Best regards,

Tim Romano
Managing Editor
303.495.3967 p
303.495.2454 f
[email protected]


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