AT Launching AFFTA-focused LinkedIn Group


Ask AFFTA over on Linkedin

Following on the heels of the highly successful retailer-focused LinkedIn group organized by Angling Trade and accessed here, we’ve agreed to set up another LinkedIn forum specifically designed to be a nexus for communicating to the American Fly Fishing Trade Association (AFFTA). To it’s credit, AFFTA asked us to do this, because the organization recognizes we are an independent entity that reaches retailers, and it wants more focused feedback from those dealers on ways to improve its effectiveness.

We’re calling it “Ask AFFTA.” So, if you want to know what AFFTA is doing to promote the sport, ask AFFTA. If you want to know some details about the upcoming IFTD trade show, ask AFFTA. If you want to know where the organization stands on public access… direct sales by manufacturers… online retailers like, well go ahead and (you know what to do).

A couple points to be clear about: The retailer forum is still for retailers only. We will keep that limited to those in the shop business, and the conversations that happen there will stay there. The new AFFTA forum will have its own administrator, and will be open to the entire industry.

We applaud AFFTA for doing this.

Click here to join the group.


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