SmithFly Goes Old School (New School?) with Dealer Policy


SmithFly Founder Ethan Smith Aims to gain Dealers

Have you checked out the new dealer policy outline from SmithFly?  (By the way SmithFly makes a variety of unique pouches, vests, bags, and other accessories, all of which is manufactured in the US.)  The company is trying hard to carve a niche among specialty retailers, and here’s some of the rationale:

– One dealer in a 45-mile radius, period.  First come, first served.
– No minimum advertised price.  You set the price, and you live with your margin.
– They do sell direct, with no apologies.
– They don’t do big boxes.
– They do accept small orders.

Having tested the products, we can vouch for them.  But we’re eager to hear more from a retailer willing to vouch for the company. TR


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