Five Things We Want to Check Out in Reno


Angling Trade is looking forward to the International Fly Tackle Dealer Expo in Reno, Nevada, in a few weeks.  Sure, it’s great to see familiar places, and we’re anticipating some interesting new product buzz to be generated from the show (looks to us like the “wader wars” might get hot again). But this also looks like the most interesting slate of events and seminars we’ve seen in years. Here are five things to highlight in your schedule book, if you are going to IFTD:

National Fly Fishing In Schools Program Roundtable, Thursday August 16th at 10 a.m. The National Fly Fishing in Schools Program could do for fly fishing what the National Archery in Schools program has done for that sport. Here’s the chance for retailers to learn how to kick start this initiative in their community. This is one of the smartest things AFFTA has done in years, and now it’s time to see if dealers will run with the opportunity.

Release of AFFTA Industry Survey Data, Thursday at 11a.m. Working with Southwick Associates, AFFTA has commissioned a look into the specifics of our industry. This will be the clearest picture on trends and issues (perhaps opportunities) most of us have seen in quite a while.

Retailer Roundtable… Just because that’s always a “lively discussion.” Thursday at 5.

Drake Magazine Fly Fishing Video Awards, 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Atlantis… because that’s always a lively scene.

Panel Discussion on the relevance of AFFTA, Friday at 3 p.m. Kudos to the trade organization for hosting a forum of ideas and exchange. We’re looking forward to taking part in that.


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