Smith Creek Accessories


Smith Creek’s Hands-Free Rod Holder

New Zealand-inspired Smith Creek has come up with a number of handy accessory items that will no doubt make good stocking stuffers in the holiday season, and serve the interests of the “gizmo-fascinated” angling crowd all year long.

A Hands-Free Rod Holder comes with a retractor that attaches to your vest or pack ($21.95).  Time to tie on a new bug?  Pull down the rod holder, clip in your rod, and work away without having your rod wash away.  Simple.

The Trash Fish, is a simple anodized aluminum tool that helps you be a better steward of the resources, and not leave trails of dead tippet behind.  Simply wrap the loose line, and slide it into a catch notch for storage, then cut it away at day’s end.  Again… simple.  Price is $12.95.

Also, the Smith Creek Net Holder ($34.95) was introduced last year, but it’s become a favorite because it clips easily to a standard wading belt, and keeps the average net secure, yet accessible.


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