Sage Circa Rod


The Sage Circa

I want to circle back to the Circa rods, because I was speaking with Marshall Cutchin, publisher of MidCurrent, today at lunch, and he said that his time spent casting one of the new slow-action Circa fly rods by Sage at the IFTD casting pond justified one of his days (expense) for being here in Reno in the first place.

So I took it to the pond myself.  And it is all that.  Mind you, it is billed as slow in action, and it is exactly that.  Fast rods cover casting flaws in my mind, so those who have the stroke, will appreciate this rod no end.  Especially when you factor in the thin profile/diameter and lightness in hand, it’s definitely a “feel” rod that I can imagine would be loads of fun to fish on most trout rivers.  It isn’t a dainty rod by any means… it just reconnects many of us with the kind of action we learned to cast in the first place.  And I think that’s an attribute, in and of itself.  The 589-4 model retails for $775.


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