Umpqua feather merchants names Matt Blumenshine as senior purchasing manager


The world’s largest manufacturer and distributor of premium quality fishing flies, Umpqua Feather Merchants has named Matt Blumenshine as Senior Purchasing Manager.

Born in Fort Collins, Colorado, Matt has spent many years exploring Colorado’s outdoors by camping, hiking, biking and fishing. With 15 years of experience in supply chain management Matt has spent the last 8 years working in the outdoor industry with companies such as Pearl Izumi and Spyder Active Sports, helping to feed his love of outdoor sports. Matt also has a passion for helping animals and serves on the board of directors of a local animal shelter.

“Matt’s background in seasonal businesses like Spyder makes him a perfect fit at Umpqua. His many years of experience in dealing with the logistics of seasonal overseas production, complicated raw materials and long lead times will translate into improved service to all of our customers. Everyone at Umpqua is very excited to have him on board!” said Brent Bauer, Director of Operations & Production.

About Umpqua Feather Merchants:

Currently celebrating its 40th anniversary year, Umpqua changed the world of fly fishing forever with its Signature Fly Designer Royalty program. The ongoing introduction of historic new flies tied to unsurpassed quality has made Umpqua Feather Merchants the largest manufacturer and distributor of premium quality flies in the world.

Umpqua services over 1,100 dealers around the world and produces in excess of 3,000 fly patterns. Umpqua is located in Louisville, Colorado and you may contact the company at 303.567.6696 or browse their website at


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