Spotted Tail Outdoors launches new website and updates to its Reservations Management System


From Spotted Tail Outdoors:

Spotted Tail Outdoors has rolled out several new features to its reservations system for guides and outfitters, as well as a complete redesign of its website. The new features to the booking platform, Spotted Tail RMS, include options for scheduling self-guided/unassigned reservations, limiting trip counts based on access permits or rod restrictions, and further classifying trip types with sub-categories that help feed an extensive reporting module.

“Our reservations system has undergone continuous tweaks and additions over the last several months by working closely with our users on features that make managing guide services more efficient and more enjoyable”, says owner Andy Parker. “We are constantly improving the system so that our guides and outfitters can continue to focus on the fishing and client relationships while maintaining organized and accurate records within their RMS accounts.”

Spotted Tail Outdoors has also launched a new that more clearly summarizes the reservations management system and provides better options for announcing product updates, news items, and integration with social media channels.


Capt. Andy Parker

[email protected]


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