Fly Fishing Hall of Fame Inducts 8 at the Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum


On Saturday, October 6, 2012 Stu Apte, Tom McGuane, Ed Shenk, and Larry Solomon  (living), and Carrie Frost, George Parker Holden, Paul Young, and Joe Brooks (deceased) were inducted into the Fly Fishing Hall of Fame  in a ceremony at the  Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum.  All living members were on hand to receive their awards personally and receiving awards for deceased inductees were:  Carrie Frost/grand niece Betty Frost Jenkins, George Parker Holden and Paul Young/Bob Summers and Joe Brooks/Mrs. Thomas Cooney husband of decease student of Joe Brooks.

After the ceremony, a special dinner, in the intimacy of the Museum, was held  for both new and existing Fly Fishing Hall of Fame members  and approximately 90 guests.

The attached photo, from left to right:  Al Cauuci-P;Joan Wulff-P;Ed Shenk, Stu Apte, Betty Frost Jenkins; Tom McGuane; Larry Solomon; and Art Lee-P.  P signifies previous Hall of Fame inductee.


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