American Angler Debuts iPad Edition


From American Angler:

American Angler magazine, today announced the release of its iPad version in iTunes. This follows the highly successful launch of an app for American Angler’s fellow publication, Fly Tyer, this past year. The American Angler digital edition pushes the medium even further with a designed-for-tablet native application optimized for reading on the iPad, with interactivity throughout. Each edition also will feature content not found in the print edition, such as video, audio, additional photos, and even bonus stories. The magazine is currently available as single-copy purchases on the App Store in iTunes.

“We built this in house,” explains Morris Sporting Group general manager Steve Walburn, “so we started with the most recently available print edition, which at the time was the September/October issue. As soon as we catch up to our print schedule, we’ll begin offering subscriptions.”

Among other rich-media elements, the first issue includes a classic audio recording of Norman Maclean, at age 82, reading selected passages from A River Runs Through It, digitized exclusively for American Angler iPad readers. “It’s just one example of how we can stretch the boundaries of content in this new medium,” says Walburn. The next available issue will be January/February 2013.

For more information, follow these links.

Welcome video:

American Angler in iTunes:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Fly Tyer, American Angler, and Gray’s Sporting Journal are published by MCC Magazines, LLC., a division of Morris Communications Company, LLC., which is based in Augusta, Georgia.



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