Angling Trade Gearing Up for 2013


An obligatory self-serving plug here, we know… but Angling Trade has now produced 21 issues since its inception in 2007.  Throughout all of that, we’ve always been “in the black,” and we’ve grown every issue on a year-to-year basis.  To our manufacturer advertisers, and our retailer readers, we extend heart-felt thanks for enabling us to cover this industry in a way that obviously matters.  We’re going to continue that effort (work harder) next year with four more insightful print editions.  And we’re going to continue the wildly popular E-newsletters (like the one you are reading) and our specialized LinkedIn groups for professionals in fly fishing (we now have over 1000 members of our forum).

With regard to the E-newsletters, we have had numerous requests for some smaller and less expensive ad spots. You wanted it, so we’re going to offer it.  Starting next year, we’ll offer a small small grouping of five spots, 160 pixel X 50 pixel banners on the AT website.  We’re calling this section “Marketplace,” and these five spots will appear at the bottom of the “regular” ads in the right-hand column.  Each ad will cost $35 per month and the minimum buy is six months—an easy investment for anyone who wants to get on board.

Bottom line: If you want to be part of the only fly-focused forum that reaches everyone who manufactures and sells fly fishing in North America, we’re here to help, and we appreciate your support.


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