Help the Recovery of Hurricane Sandy Victims


From ASA:

Urge the Senate to approve the Disaster Appropriations Relief Act, including aid for the recreational fishing community

More than two months have passed since Hurricane Sandy decimated a large portion of the mid-Atlantic and New England coasts. Since then, it’s become clear that the recovery efforts will be ongoing for the foreseeable future. Homes, vehicles, boats and other personal property were lost or destroyed, and many businesses are struggling to remain open.

The U.S. Senate is expected to vote in the near future on a comprehensive Hurricane Sandy recovery package that will provide resources and personnel for the recovery and your help is needed to see that this aid package passes the Senate.

The losses to the recreational fishing community have been far more extensive than simply missing a few fishing trips. Recreational fishing is a big business that supports coastal communities throughout the region, particularly in New Jersey and New York, where recreational fishing has a $6.3 billion annual economic impact and supports nearly 50,000 jobs.

In addition to assisting displaced individuals and families, the Disaster Appropriations Relief Act, which has already passed the House of Representatives, has several provisions that would help the recreational fishing community, including funds to restore shore-side fishery infrastructure such as marinas and boat ramps; help small businesses like bait and tackle shops recover; and repair damaged fisheries research facilities.

When natural disasters like Hurricane Sandy have struck in the past, Congress has acted swiftly to provide needed federal assistance to affected regions, and must so again.

Help your fellow anglers who were affected by this devastating storm. Take action now and urge your Senators to support the Disaster Appropriations Relief Act.


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