Your Help Is Needed — Voice Your Support for Sally Jewell by March 5th.


President Obama has nominated industry leader and REI CEO Sally Jewell to be the next Secretary of the Interior. On March 7, the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources will hold a hearing to consider her nomination. Outdoor Industry Association fully supports Sally Jewell for this position and we need your help to create a loud and vocal chorus of business support for her nomination.

Treasury secretaries are chosen from the investment world, so it is appropriate that a Secretary for the Interior would be nominated from the outdoor recreation business world. As the chief executive of a nearly $2 billion company, Sally Jewell understands the needs of the outdoor industry, and she recognizes that our nation’s natural resources directly support the economy, local communities and the people whose lives depend on having access to quality places in the great outdoors.

Act now!
Please send a letter to your senators expressing your support for Ms. Jewell’s nomination and encourage your business partners to do the same. Her hearing is March 7, so please submit your letter by March 5.

Letters from recreation businesses and business partners in Alaska, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, West Virginia, Wyoming and North Dakota are especially helpful.

Download the letter template and learn more about how you can help by  Thank you in advance for your support and help in confirming Sally Jewell as our next Interior Secretary.

Frank Hugelmeyer
President & CEO
Outdoor Industry Association
4909 Pearl East Circle #300
Boulder, CO, 80301
Phone: 303-444-3353
Direct: 303-327-3501


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