Ad Spots Available for the March Angling Trade E-Newsletter


Angling Trade is gearing up for it’s third E-Newsletter of 2013 which will be sent Tuesday, March 26th.

There are a few advertisement spaces available for this issue and for the year going forward. If you’re interested in “a-la-carting” once in a while or getting a deal for buying the whole year, the Angling Trade E-Newsletter is a very affordable avenue to talk to the industry.

We’ve also had numerous requests for some smaller and less expensive ad spots. We do have one of those spots left for the year. It’s a 160 pixel X 50 pixel banner that can be found on the left on the AT website. We’re calling this section “Marketplace,” and these five spots will appear at the bottom of the “regular” ads in the right-hand column. Each ad will cost $35 per month and the minimum buy is six months. An easy investment for anyone who wants to get on board.

All ad spots are on a first come, first serve basis.

Bottom line: If you want to be part of the only fly-focused forum that reaches everyone who manufactures and sells fly fishing in North America, we’re here to help, and we appreciate your support.

Please let me know if you’re interested ASAP and I can give you more information on the available spaces in regards to size and cost.


Tim Romano
Managing Editor
303.495.3967 p
303.495.2454 f
[email protected]


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