The Colorado – America’s Most Endangered River


From CTU:

Today, American Rivers issued its annual list of  Most Endangered Rivers.  And the Colorado River – from source to sea – was named the #1 most endangered river in America.

Peter McBride developed this remarkable and poignant video helping tell the story.

As a long-standing ally of the Colorado River, you already understand the threats that it faces from extensive existing and proposed water diversions.  And you’ve lent your voice in support of its protection.

Yet the Colorado headwaters face continued threats – including a proposal by Denver Water to further tap one of the Colorado’s most important tributaries, the Fraser River.  Already Denver’s Moffat pipeline drains 60% of the Fraser’s annual flows and leaves dozens of tributaries sucked completely dry.  Their new proposal will take another 15 percent of flows, leaving an already damaged river on life support.

You can make a difference by sending a message to Denver Water: sign the petition telling Denver Water to protect – not kill – the Fraser River.

For months, a coalition of conservation organizations, landowners, and recreation businesses have been calling on Denver Water to take a few responsible, cost-effective steps to protect the Fraser (and the Colorado into which it flows) – steps they have so far been unwilling to commit to taking:

•  ensure healthy “flushing” flows in the river to clean out silt and algae.

•  avoid taking water during high water temperatures, when trout and aquatic life are vulnerable.

•  monitor the river’s health and take action as needed to prevent further declines.

Help us tell Denver Water that the Colorado headwaters deserve better – ask them to step up and protect our “most endangered river” and its tributary, the Fraser. And then help carry the message forward with your friends and associates, reminding them that the Colorado River is a resource worth treasuring – and protecting for future generations – from its headwaters to the sea. Together we can make it happen.

Thank you for all you do for our rivers,

David Nickum, Colorado TU Executive Director and

“Defend the Colorado” campaign partner


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