Big Push to Block Pebble



Act to Save Bristol Bay Salmon, Earn a Chance for Alaska Lodge Adventure

By Kirk Deeter

We’ve been covering the proposed Pebble Mine and its potential impact on Alaska’s most prolific salmon fishery in Bristol Bay for many years now, in Angling Trade, and for Field & Stream magazine, in TROUT magazine, and elsewhere.

The situation has reached another critical juncture, and by voicing your concerns–and encouraging your customers to do the same–you can hopefully help put Pebble on ice.

Anglers can now be entered for a chance to win a trip for two (four days/nights) at Dan Michael’s Crystal Creek Lodge.

Simply visit

Please include this information in any newsletters, e-blasts, or other correspondence you send to your customers.  The timing is critical, and the opportunity is great.

Here’s where the situation stands:

After being asked to deny the Pebble Partnership a Clean Water Act 404 permit, by Federally recognized tribes, Commercial fishing interest, and the Bristol Bay sportfishing interest, the EPA undertook writing a the Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment.  In May of 2012, EPA release the Draft Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment.  This Assessment was then peer reviewed by a select group of scientists.  The EPA has taken the recommendations of these scientists and is now rewriting the Draft Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment for a 30 day public comment period.

In short, your comments will influence whether the mine happens or not.

Highlights from the Draft Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment

•       46% of the global abundance of wild sockeye (37.5 million fish annually) are found in Bristol Bay.

•       Nushagak River Chinook salmon run can reach over 200,000 fish.

•       35 fish species (all 5 species of Pacific Salmon Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden, Grayling, Arctic Char, lake trout, and Northern pike), 190 bird species, 40 terrestrial species are potentially impacted.

•       Direct loss of 55 to 85 miles of streams and 4 to 6.7 square miles of wetlands could result from Pebble.

•       If all major claims were developed, a direct loss of 114 miles of stream and a 30 square miles of tailings storage facilities would result.

•       Tailings spill would  eliminate 28% of the Nushagak Chinook run.

•       Populations of Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden could be lost for decades.

I consider this the most significant conservation of our time, and if you value fishing and wild fish, it’s worth learning more.



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