TRCP Strengthens National Staff


Screen Shot 2013-05-06 at 10.29.40 AMFrom TRCP:

The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership is strengthening its ability to advocate on behalf of sportsmen-conservationists with the addition of staff members in two key positions.

Steve Kline, formerly director of the TRCP Center for Agricultural and Private Lands, has been appointed TRCP director of government relations and is overseeing the development and implementation of the TRCP’s advocacy efforts both on Capitol Hill and in the executive branch. Jimmy Hague, former advisor to U.S. Sen. Mark Udall, has been tapped as director of the newly established TRCP Center for Water Resources and will be working to advance policy addressing water scarcity issues and the federal role in water management, allocation and conservation.

Based in Washington, D.C., Hague spent four years as Sen. Udall’s primary policy adviser for various conservation and natural resources issues, including water resources management and environmental regulation. A native of West Virginia, he holds a master’s degree in environmental policy from the University of Colorado, Boulder.

“I am thrilled to be joining the talented and dedicated team at the TRCP,” said Hague. “The TRCP recognizes the importance to the hunting and angling communities of comprehensive, forward-thinking water resources management. Our shared water challenges impact all of our conservation efforts and will do so even more as climate change and population growth exacerbate our immediate water problems. I look forward to leading the TRCP’s efforts to find pragmatic solutions to the problems facing our most precious natural resource.”

Hague also will be taking over the TRCP’s work on the Clean Water Act formerly managed by Kline. Kline will continue to lead the TRCP’s agriculture and private lands work, including engagement in Farm Bill conservation programs.

Prior to joining the TRCP in 2011, Kline served as senior government affairs representative for the Alaska Wilderness League. He also has worked with the National Association of State Foresters and the Izaak Walton League of America. A seventh generation Marylander, he lives on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay.

“After spending two years on the TRCP staff focused almost exclusively on our agriculture work, I am excited to be given the opportunity to broaden my portfolio to include our work on energy, public lands, marine fisheries and conservation funding,” said Kline. “Being on Capitol Hill, where so much is happening every day, has long been a passion of mine. I consider myself fortunate to be able to talk about hunting, fishing and conservation, things that are incredibly important to me personally. We’ve got a great team of professionals here at TRCP, and it’s a real treat to be part of that team.”

“We’re thrilled to have Jimmy join the TRCP team and to have Steve expand his role within the organization,” said TRCP President and CEO Whit Fosburgh. “These two policy experts have the knowledge, experience and personal qualities to leverage the power of our partners – in support of legislative solutions that support fish and wildlife conservation and that advance the interests and values of hunters and anglers everywhere.”

Read the TRCP 2013 Conservation Policy Agenda.

Inspired by the legacy of Theodore Roosevelt, the TRCP is a coalition of organizations and grassroots partners working together to preserve the traditions of hunting and fishing.


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