Clean water advocate JP Ross presents “Trout Power” fishing tournament and creel study


Screen Shot 2013-05-28 at 1.27.02 PMFrom Trout Power:

New York State has some of the finest trout fisheries in the country.  JP Ross of JP Ross Fly Rods & Co. and Co-Founder, Angela Moonan, believe wild trout are possible for the great West Canada Creek in the Mohawk Valley at the foothills of the Adirondacks.  Trout Power’s mission is to change the world by honoring clean water not by its’ clarity, but by the wild trout that live in it.

Trout Power ® had its beginnings as an idea to generate awareness around the West Canada Creek, ensuring its’ long-term vitality for fishing and outdoor enthusiasts.  Now Trout Power is gaining momentum as people around the world are asking how they initiate the Trout Power playbook for their fresh water resources.  Many factions utilize the river as a resource including hydro power.  The West Canada is one of the few rivers remaining in New York State that is pulsed; most other rivers hold ‘run of the river’ status.

Trout Power is a year round initiative that includes a full weekend celebration June 7th-9th, 2013.

The Event weekend includes a Trout Tournament, Creel Study, and family activities surrounding the Creek.  Tournament teams travel from as far away as Michigan, Virginia, Oregon, Delaware, Ohio, as Trout Power is attracting attention across the country.  Area businesses, communities, and individuals are realizing the potential as well. “Trout Power is all about working together to ensure the vitality of the West Canada Creek.

The goal’s to spur people to embrace this amazing resource for their own prosperity and economic impact throughout the communities that line its’ banks” said co-founder, JP Ross.  “We’re stronger together than we are divided” says Moonan.  “Trout Power’s not against hydro power or use of the river as a commercial resource.  We’re simply advocating for more data and research to determine the prospect of everyone working together, where wild trout in the creek within the decade are the ultimate benchmark of success.”

In cooperation with the NYS DEC, Pulse Magazine, and area business chambers & tourism councils, Trout Power succeeds when wild trout are thriving in the West Canada.  In addition, when small and large businesses and individuals utilize the momentum Trout Power creates, to ignite and sustain responsible tourism to our area.  Education and awareness with a “leave the river better than you found it” message, has the power to put The West Canada Creek on a world stage for tourism.   The Yellowstone, Colorado, Delaware, and Hudson Rivers, are all great examples of tourism and responsible stewardship working hand in hand where everyone, and all things, prosper.

“Trout Power” along the West Canada, Open to the General Public

Dates: Friday June 7th-Sunday June 9th 2013   Event Times vary
Place: Along the West Canada Creek from Herkimer to Barneveld, NY

Youtube Link to: JP Ross introduces you to “Trout Power”

All Event details and River Conservation information can be found online @

Contact  [email protected]  315-559-0947 or [email protected] 315-736-0353




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