Spirit River Looking for tiers to participate in Iron Tying Event at IFTD


From Spirit River:

Hello All,  As you may know Spirit River is the proud sponsors of the Iron Tying Event at the show this year.  As the main sponsor we will provide all the materials for the tiers to use. Peter Whelan will MC this event.

We are  also looking for the tiers that will participate.  You do not need to be a good tier. Its fun….its casual…and its easy.  Please join in!

Three of the judges you may want to try to bribe are the same as last year.  Tom Timmerberg, Jon Bauer, and  fitness guru Mr. Bill Chase.

We have 12 openings and 1-2 standbys.  Once these spots are reserved they are gone.
Its fun…its easy and its a challenge.

The event takes place Thursday July 11, from 3 to 5 PM on the show floor.

Please call or email me to reserve your seat now.

Bill Black
Spirit River Inc.


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