Flybook Releases Trip Data Reporting Tool



From the Flybook:

The Flybook announced the release of a new feature- Trip Data Reporting Tools- for system managers and guides. This new easy to use reporting system is meant to capture all reservation and daily trip detail in real-time.

The tool is optimized for mobile phones, so guides can enter information immediately following a trip.  Flybook system managers can in turn generate reports at the push of a button for government agencies, payroll or whatever their reporting needs might be.

“We have years of feedback from our customers asking for assistance with streamlining their painstaking weekly, monthly, or yearly reporting duties,” says Chris Hall Chief Operating Officer at the Flybook.  “At the Flybook we are constantly looking for hot-spots that we can help mitigate for our customers through the advancement of our technology. This new development should cut tedious reporting jobs from what is in many cases hours or days, down to minutes if notseconds.”

“Not only is this a great tool to gather trip information, client data, and improve reporting efficiency, “ says Hall.  “It is also a implement that can be used for payroll, facilitation of internal staff and guide communication, and improve customer experiences.”

In 2013 The Flybook released its 2.0 version, and has continued to round out the platform, with everything from lodging to class and event management to mobile booking and staff management applications.   Hall says, “We are excited about the future, and have many more development projects on the way.”

 How the tool works

The basics of the system are simple.  The outfitter / system manager determines the specific data that needs to be collected, which can be organized uniquely by river, location, trip, or activity.  The guide collects and enters that data via their cell phones, tablets, or PC’s.   The data is complied by the Flybook system and reported at the outfitters discretion.

In a practical scenario for the angling industry, the guide picks up their clients and drives to the launch point.  At the ramp the guide can open their Flybook app and enter the launch point, license information (or any other data point(s) determined by the Flybook system administrator).  At the end of the day the guide could log take out, double check customer contact information, enter a few notes about the day and mark the trip complete. That data is immediately sent to the Flybook system and the manager can generate reports at the push of a button.

About The Flybook

The Flybook is custom built software for outdoor-based business owners that enables more efficient processes and business growth. It is a web-based platform located in the cloud, used to manage guide reservations (including staff, meals and other logistics), lodging, and customer database.

It is accessible to managers, staff, guides, partners and guests on any web-enabled computer or mobile device.  The software provides automated functions such as itinerary generation, payment collection, email confirmations and receipts, as well as a real-time calendar. Flybook users see increased revenue, professionalism, and efficiency while reducing miscues, and gain more time to focus on personal service.


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