AFFTA thanks five West Coast U.S. Senators for outlining the need to protect Bristol Bay



The American Fly Fishing Trade Association would like to thank five West Coast U.S. Senators for their thoughtful letter to President Obama outlining the need to protect Bristol Bay, Alaska’s jobs and fishing economy from the dangers of Pebble Mine or other large hard-­‐rock mines in the watershed. Sens. Maria Cantwell, Patty Murray, Jeff Merkley, Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer have grasped the magnitude of the issue, writing, “water contamination and habitat loss from the construction and operation of a hard rock mine in Bristol Bay would put thousands of fishery-­‐related family wage jobs at risk.”

“Alongside those commercial fishing jobs are thousands of sportfishing manufacturers and businesses, who make a living from the Bristol Bay fishery. We appreciate the Senators’ recognition that the sustainable economy of Bristol Bay supports thousands of jobs every year without the pollution and perils of large-­‐scale mining,” said Benjamin Bulis, President of AFFTA. “We would add our voice to theirs in asking President Obama to protect this incredible place and regional economy from risky, inappropriate development.”

AFFTA’s mission is to promote the sustained growth of the fly fishing industry. We work to grow consumer demand for fly fishing goods and services, enhance the growth and professionalism of fly- fishing businesses, and support the protection, enhancement and restoration of fish and fish habitat.


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