Keith Brauneis Productions and Caltrout create a short film about Golden Trout to raise awareness its habitat and its plight



Keith Brauneis Productions and Caltrout will create a short film about Golden Trout that will raise awareness of this magnificent fish, its habitat and its plight. We will submit to F3T and Wild & Scenic film tours (having aired with them last year) among other tours. We will examine current conditions and determine future threats to this species.


Your Tax Deductible Donation is the key to this project’s launch and it’s inevitable success. The dollars raised in this campaign will all go toward the many aspects required for pre production, filming and post production.


Please watch Enough Is Enough, the story of the McCloud River. This film was widely received and nationally-aired, was in 2 film tours, and currently resides on more than 10 major websites. Visit Keith Brauneis Productions for more related films. And Caltrout to learn more about their conservation efforts.

Risks and challenges

Every production has inherent risks, thankfully we have done this many times before and understand the risks involved and how to avoid them, or how to use them to our advantage when we can’t.

The greatest challenge of this project will be getting the actual footage. The Sierra Nevada can be an inhospitable and unforgiving landscape, that’s why we established a team of seasoned adventurers, a well oiled crew ready to face any road blocks.

With our combined years of experience and expertise in all aspects of this production, we feel confident that we will deliver you an outstanding film!


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