We Read You… Loud and Clear


8-13_wereadyouYou all need to understand that when you send us notes via email or snail-mail, we read them.  And we value them.  We’re in this for the fly shops, and the anglers.  We certainly value the support we get from manufacturers, but we never have, and never will, sell a point-of-view for a half-page ad.

Sometimes you call us crazy.  But most of the time, you pat us on our backs, and that, friends, is the main thing that keeps Angling Trade rolling.  Here are some examples:


Your “Editor’s Column” in the latest Angling Trade magazine was brilliant.  After more than 65 years of fly fishing and more than 50 years of guiding the idea of “canned” trout fishing falls into the same category as “high fence” hunting.  A fair number of outdoors folks don’t find anything wrong with it and maybe there isn’t anything wrong with it.  Certainly, however, there should be a distinction between fair chase and fantasy fly fishing.  I often get invited to fish some of these fantasy ponds and streams and I usually decline or end up just taking pictures.

Not so long ago, I was asked to assess the fishing on a developed ranch near Steamboat Springs, Colorado.  I cast a fly in the pond and caught an eight-pound rainbow.  Something didn’t seem right, so I threw a handful of gravel into the pond.  Sure enough, trout charged in from every direction.  That was enough for me so I went to the “improved” stream.  Each pool was separated with steel mesh, and each pool had a half dozen five pound trout.  One fish and I was done there.  The stream went up into a canyon when no improvement was done.  It was full of small wild cutthroat and rainbows.  I spent four hours having a wonderful time.  I was truthful in my assessment to the owners.  From a fly fishers perspective I gave the pond a D, the improved stream a D+, and the canyon an A+.

Your article pointed out the difference between real angling and fantasy angling without offending anyone.  You just pointed out the pro and cons and what it might mean to the fly fishing industry.  I clipped out the column because it is worth saving.

Good job my man.

Eric A. Pettine



It’s gratifying to see what a continuingly significant role AT takes, from one issue to the next.

Your coverage of streamside access is yet another example, along with Simms’ business model, and other issues.

I look forward to the education I get from every issue.

Color me impressed.

Chris Menadier


And on the trade show coverage front…

“Good service for those of us not attending and looking for story/column material. Keep it coming.”  Bill Sargent


Skip Clement, publisher of Fly Life Magazine.com said:

“Couldn’t make the show this year, but great news – staying informed. Thanks.”


Tell us what you want.  We will cover it.  And we will be honest.  Thanks again for your support, and keep reading Angling Trade.


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