Alert: Utah Stream Access Coalition


From USAC:

TODAY Tuesday, January 14th, Speaker Becky Lockhart will be hosting all of Utah County’s Representatives and Senators for a town hall meeting. If you live in Utah County, we need you at this event to show your support for HB37. A series of talking points about our legislative compromise can be found on our website.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
Nuskin Auditorium
75 West Center, Provo, Utah

This is your chance to meet one-on-one with your representative and tell them that you support HB37 and they should too! All of Utah County’s Legislators and Senators have been invited to this event. Click here to view the official invitation.

Your voices matter, and our collective voices are being heard. Let’s use this opportunity to speak up again for what we believe in, and what we believe is fair and just for future generations of Utahans.


The 2014 Compromise Bill is HB37, sponsored by Rep. Dixon Pitcher (R-Ogden). The full version of HB37 can be found here. Please take a moment to read through the bill, and forward it on to your legislators. To look up your legislators, click here.

The 2014 Legislative session begins on January 27th, but don’t wait until then to get this bill into the hands of your Representatives and Senators. Encourage them to be champions of compromise in 2014, and tell them that as a constituent you support HB37, and they should too!

Board of Directors
Utah Steam Access Coalition
[email protected]


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