Utah Stream Access Coalition – Stay Involved – Caucus Meetings Happening NOW


From USAC:

It’s Caucus Season

The legislative session wrapped up last Thursday without any surprises at the 11th hour. However, that doesn’t mean that we can sit back and wait until the next legislative session. This year is an election year, which means that every Representative and half of the Senate are up for election – and you can be involved in that process.

As a result of SB 54 and the Count My Vote initiative, even if you are unable to attend your caucus meeting, you can still cast your vote by printing out your ballot and sending it to the meeting with someone else in a signed, sealed envelope with a copy of your ID. All of the information you need to get involved with the GOP Caucus Process can be found here:  https://voterclick.com/utgop_menu.php

The GOP Caucus Night will be Thursday, March 20.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Let your delegates and Representatives know that stream access is important to you, and that if they want your vote, then you want theirs.

In the meantime, we are preparing to take both court cases on the Provo and the Weber to their respective trials. We will keep you updated as the dates are scheduled with the courts.

Our fight is not over. We will not stop until we have restored our right to lawfully use our resource, Utah’s rivers and streams. Thank you for your continued support.

Board of Directors
Utah Steam Access Coalition
[email protected]


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