Rizzoli Unviels Photo Book On Coastal and Flats Fishing



From Rizzoli:

If you want to understand the passion for fishing on the edge of the ocean, or if you already have that passion but want to know why you feel it so intensely, then Salt is the book for you.” — Tom McGuane

“I am an old-time fishing guide, outdoor action photographer (with numerous cover shots for the major outdoor magazines), and a lifelong saltwater angler. I only tell you this so you can understand my perspective and appreciation for Andy Anderson’s amazing photography in this fantastic book. My experienced eye thinks his work is awesome, and I am sure you will treasure it. It is a great addition to any angler’s library.” — Stu Apte

As close to a firsthand experience as a reader can get without getting wet, SALT: COASTAL AND FLATS FISHING is a visually stunning journey to America’s most epic saltwater fishing hot spots. Featuring photography from the Atlantic Northeast, Pacific Northwest, Bahamas, Gulf Coast, and Florida Keys—and highlighting fish such as striped bass, tuna,
bonefish, permit, and tarpon—this is a life’s compilation of saltwater fly-fishing photography by one of the most acclaimed outdoor photographers. Each section has an accompanying essay by the legendary Tom Rosenbauer that takes the reader along on a memorable trip to the world’s greatest fishing destinations. For the serious fly fisherman, it is an album of shared experiences. For those new to the sport, it is an artfully crafted guidebook to the exotic world that exists on the waters of American coastlines and islands. Experience the world’s greatest coastal fly-fishing destinations with this stunning volume, an ideal gift for any angler’s library.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Andy Anderson is an award-winning outdoor photographer who has shot for Outside, Garden & Gun, and Condé Nast Traveler, among other publications. Tom Rosenbauer is a lifelong fly fisher and author of more
than 12 books on fly fishing, including Universe’s The Orvis Guide to Small Stream Fly Fishing. Guy de la Valdène is the author of several books, numerous articles for Gray’s Sporting Journal, Sports Afield, and Field & Stream, and director of
the highly acclaimed documentary Tarpon.

SALT: Coastal and Flats Fishing
Photography by Andy Anderson
Text by Tom Rosenbauer, Foreword by Guy de la Valdène
Rizzoli New York
Hardcover / 208 pages / 180 color photographs / 12ó̎ x 9̎
ISBN: 978-0-7893-2706-2
PRICE: $55.00 US & CAN

Foreword by Guy de la Valdène
The images in Andy Anderson’s book Salt showcase the rapport that links a first-class photographer to a subject he knows intimately. Much like the groundbreaking pictures that Cartier-Bresson took for Magnum Photos 75 years ago, guides and anglers are frozen simultaneously in a state of movement and transformation. Andy’s immediate recognition of the significance of an event and his direct organization of form gives the photographs their proper expression. Photographers create when they open their lens to light. Miss that moment and the composition is gone. Andy constructs his boat and fish pictures with an artist’s appreciation for camber and a naturalist’s knowledge that—other than horizons—nature provides few straight lines. Framed on the pages are the fuels of life, images of water and light, waves and clouds, boat wakes and wind-driven spray. Just like a guide who over the years has mastered the details that produce or do not produce fish—the sun, the wind, and the tide—Andy draws on his lifelong study of nature to convey the depth of his passion for the sea. His pictures are alive with the colors unique to coastal salt waters. The visible can be recalcitrant. It takes a quick eye, penetrating insight, and meticulous technique to make a photograph that is a felt comment, stripped of all but the essentials; a photograph that moves the viewer and remains with him. Most photographers think too much about technique and not enough about seeing. I suspect that Andy’s vision was born in the field fishing and hunting, where looking is at a premium. Certain details that would escape the casual viewer become evident the longer one spends time around salt water: the effect of the moon on the tide, the coming of wind and rain, the force of the sun. What Andy looks for is the decisive moment, his goal, to fix in time a wealth of unhindered, unpredictable events. He is satisfied with no less than portraits of the sea that convey grace with uncommon clarity and a feel for the thematic that required light, structure, and timing. Andy Anderson has written an autobiography in pictures, a life on the water. Salt is an eloquent modern paean to the strength and beauty of the coastal waters he cares for at a time when that environment is in danger of disappearing. Andy’s art is still but not silent. It speaks to everyone whose eyes are open to the forthright command and beauty of the sea. His photographic voice is joined by the words of Tom Rosenbauer, a kindred spirit in language to these masterful pictures.


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