Learn from Linehan: Do We Need Standards?



Following up on the Orvis Guide Rendezvous, I had a chance to do something in the days that preceded that event that I have long wanted to do.  I got to fish with Tim Linehan.

I’ll spare you the details here, but please check out a post I did for fieldandstream.com that talks about the day I spent with Tim and what I learned.   I think Linehan has some perspectives that will help any shop or guide grow business.

In following up, I am left to wonder if it is time for fly fishing to follow the PGA model and implement some type of higher standard when it comes to the certification and/or accreditation of fly guides.  Not that we want to send everyone back to “school.”

But is it time for fly guides to carry a “card” that legitimizes what they are all about, and in turn, helps the industry as a whole up its game in a cohesive, national context, instead of being focused state by state, or even river by river?  Your comments are welcome…


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