Using Google Plus to Curate Content


Google Plus is a fantastic social network for learning, doing research, and engaging in thoughtful conversations. It’s also one of my favorite ways to quickly find new content.

What’s DIfferent About Google Plus?

I’ve been using Google Plus since the beginning, over the years I’ve noticed the dialogue, the content that gets posted, and the engagement are all more interesting on Google Plus. The beauty of Google Plus is the understanding that we all want to hang out with other people who like what we like. With that in mind Google Plus allows you to be part of communities and segregate your friends into circles.

Using Circles to Find Content

A circle is Google Plus’s way to organize the people you are following. With a little upfront planning circles will become a powerful tool that can dump great content in your lap for sharing on your social media.

I organize my circles around a series of topics. SEO, Content Marketing, Design, Fishing, etc. Then I search for and add content producers to fill those circles.


Once I’ve got a good collection of content rolling in it’s very easy to get the pulse of what’s trending in any network.

sort posts via your circles

Sort posts via your new circles

This allows me to identify posts worth sharing on my network, or aggregate posts for research. One of my favorite ways to find content is while I’m rocking my 8 month old daughter to sleep. I can quickly scan content via the google plus app, share it to pocket or buffer, and be done. Staying productive during “down time” keeps my marketing efforts on track.

I hope this series of post helps you find a system of sharing content that works for you. The angling community is filled with great content that is worthy of sharing and the tools exist to make sharing easy. You just need to find what works for your business and stick to it.


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