Hatch Outdoors hires New Sales Reps for the Southeast

Dave Chouinard left and Jimmy Dobes Right

Dave Chouinard left and Jimmy Dobes Right

From Hatch Outdoors:

Hatch Outdoors hires Capt. Dave Chouinard and Jimmy Dobes, of Chouinard Outdoor Asscoicates, Inc. as its new sales representatives for Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, South Carolina and North Carolina.

“We’re really excited to have Dave and Jimmy represent our products in the Southeast Region.  The territory can only benefit by their knowledge and experience, and we have no doubt they will make a tremendous impact for our brand.  Historically, the Southeast has been a tough nut to crack based on our proximity to the region, and the fact we’ve never had representation.   That said, we expect that’ll change dramatically in the years to come” said John Torok President/CEO of Hatch.

With the now famous Simms motor coach, Capt. Dave draws attention in every state no matter where he rolls into town. Jimmy’s Winnebago is soon to match the family with a new vehicle wrap that will turn heads and draw a crowd as well. Please contact Hatch at 760-734-4343, Dave Chouinard at 732-610-9700 or Jimmy Dobes at 423-773-8619 should you have any questions.

Hatch Outdoors, Inc
1001 Park Center Drive
Vista, CA 92081 USA
P. 760.734.4343
F. 760.734.4344
E. [email protected]
W. hatchoutdoors.com


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