Fly Fishing Show Booth Sales Up


From The Fly Fishing Show:

Reservations and booth commitments by exhibitors for the 2015 series of seven Fly Fishing Shows are about 50% over the same date prior to the 2014 shows, said Ben Furimsky, assistant director.

According to Furimsky, Denver, Somerset and Pleasanton shows are likely to sell out first, the remaining shows are not far behind.   As of July 1, exhibitor reservations for 2015 shows have recorded the following increases:

  • Denver 50% increase over 2014
  • Marlborough 50%
  • Somerset 58%
  • Winston Salem 40%
  • Lynnwood 30%
  • Pleasanton 49%
  • Lancaster 52%

In addition to increased exhibitor bookings, there has also been an increase in the number of booths reserved per exhibitor.  “For example, rod companies that had one booth previously are increasing to double-wide space next year.  Manufacturers with two booths have moved up to three.  Last year, we had numerous overseas manufacturers and fly-fishing destinations particularly from Mexico and Central America just surveying the show … for 2015 they have made deposits and committed to exhibit,” Furimsky noted.

For information on remaining space availability, visit or e-mail [email protected].



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