Front Range Anglers Host Bruce Chard and Jim Klug


Screen Shot 2014-10-28 at 7.16.21 AMFrom Front Range Anglers:

Learn from and meet some of the best!: As fall begins to fade to winter, many of us get tarpon, bonefish, and permit on the brain. Are you one of those salty dogs who makes the trip to the big blue multiple times a year? Or are you sick of freezing your digits in the winter and considering an escape with the family to someplace where you can bring your fly rod? Either way, our Saltwater Saturday on Nov. 1st, 2014 will have something for you!

  • Just getting into saltwater fishing? Catch one of the presentations by Capt. Bruce Chard to fast-track your understanding of saltwater fishing.
  • Already have saltwater gear? Bring your gear in and our saltwater specialists will take a look at your back tackle and make sure you’re ready for any upcoming trips. Have a knot on a reel you haven’t fished in a few years that you just don’t trust to a monster tarpon? We can help!
  • Considering going somewhere new? We’ll have Jim Klug, founder and director of operations of Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures in the shop. He’s literally a walking guide book to saltwater destinations around the world.
  • Already heading to a new destination? Come browse the front range’s largest selection of custom saltwater fly patterns and check out the newest saltwater gear!
  • Want to win some great schwag? Our friends at Hatch have graciously provided all kinds of goodies for us to give away during the day, including the ultimate saltwater reel, a Hatch 7 Plus!

In addition to our own experienced staff, we’ll also have a few special guests at the shop!


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