Invite for Product Reviews


moto_reelAs most of you know, AT editors Tim Romano and Kirk Deeter are also the “Fly Talk” bloggers for Field&Stream magazine (  As such we are soon going to be working on the Holiday Gift Guide for

We invite any manufacturer who has a product they want to showcase to contact us at [email protected], or [email protected] by the end of this week with your product pitches and relevant information.  We are looking for newer items, at prices that fall within the normal gift price range… but we will xanax no prescription consider all options.  Please also include high resolution photos.

Also, we’re revving up to do another “Motorcycle Reel Test.”  This test will focus on trout-sized reels, and we’re going to be dialed in on drag performance, particularly smoothness of the start-up.  The deal is simple:  Send us your reel, and we’ll run it behind the bike, then share the results with the large F&S audience.  We’ll tell it like it is, and make no promises as to the condition it will be returned in…


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