Utah Stream Access Coalition Needs Money


USAC_nov_14You’ll see in the next print issue of Angling Trade that I wade in on the access issue in my column, particularly the stream access fight that’s going on in Utah. The Utah Stream Access Coalition tells us that they will soon have two cases pending before the Utah Supreme Court, and they need more funds to keep this fight alive. They have had the benefit of pro bono legal work (thank you), but there are still expenses. This is where the other side can bleed the interests of anglers right out of the discussion if we don’t step up with our support.

We, as an industry, owe them at least that much. It’s in everyone’s best interests not to backpedal on stream access, and lose river miles that were formerly available to all anglers.

Some in this industry, including AFFTA, have been engaged and very supportive. But the 80-20 rule applies in that a small minority are doing the heavy lifting. Thing is, this does impact all of us. Please go to the USAC website and donate. Encourage others to do the same. Thank you.


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