From USAC:
Many of you have contacted us recently about what came of the Weber Trial. Here’s a quick legal update to answer some of those questions.
Over February 6-11, experts for USAC, the State of Utah, and property owners presented evidence before Judge Keith Kelly regarding navigability of the Weber River. USAC’s experts presented “mountains of evidence” showing that the Weber was used for log drives around the time of Statehood, and was capable of doing so in its natural and ordinary condition. In fact, so much time was spent presenting and cross-examining witnesses that closing arguments needed to be postponed.
The final day of the Weber Trial, which will be composed of closing arguments from both sides, will occur next Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at 10:00 AM at the Matheson Courthouse in Salt Lake City, Room W37. As with the previous 4 days of trial, we are inviting USAC members and supporters to attend the closing arguments and show your support for Stream Access. If you plan on attending, please dress appropriately and adhere to proper courtroom decorum: a crowd is best seen but not heard. This is not a rally, it is not the time for banners or signs, but for bodies en masse silently supporting stream access. The purpose of this case is to show that the Weber River was used as a highway of commerce prior to and at the time of statehood based on historical evidence, and therefore its beds are the property of the State held in trust for the public.
We hope to see you on March 4.
Board of Directors
Utah Steam Access Coalition
[email protected]