Time to Take a Bite Out of Plastic


Plastic packaging is definitely on the outs, and a topic of many media stories these days. For example, check out The Atlantic story on John Sylvan, inventor of the K-Cup.

We’re starting to hear about it within the fly industry. Costa is on the leading edge, as usual, with its visionary “Kick Plastic” campaign.

That focuses on plastic bottles, which now create a veritable island in the Pacific.

But what about packaging, and bags, etc.? From Ben Furimsky: “I just finished reading the recent issue of Angling Trade (great issue!) and have another thought on my mind. I continually find on issue that seems to keep getting worse in our manufacturing world—plastic packaging. I received a box of samples from a manufacturer this week, and

the items are on a nice cardboard (recycled looking) backer, yet everything was stuffed in a plastic bag, and then the bunch in another bag. I get many products a year from companies with useless plastic bags…”

Do we really need the plastic fly line holders anymore? And what about cups for flies, etc.? Of course, there’s a cost consideration in all of this, which is why we want to hear from you…


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