Thank you for the huge outpouring of responses regarding the last issue of AT. I heard a lot about the “Tech Bubble” column… mostly good, though inevitably, every time I suggest that we encourage anglers to actually learn to cast and use dry flies and get off the nymph and bobber crutches, someone inevitably writes to tell me I’m an elitist snob. To be clear, I don’t want to ban the bobber, and I don’t think nymphing is evil. On the other hand, I don’t think that suggesting anglers should strive to use more than their medulla oblongata when on the water qualifies as snobbery.
Many nice comments on Steve Schweitzer’s series on learning about your customers, and Marshall Bissett’s piece on social media also.
So here’s the deal. We’re going into production on the big issue of the year—the “Show Issue” and we simply want to hear from you, what interests you, and what you want to read. Feel free to fire away with story ideas in the comment thread, or contact [email protected]/[email protected].