The “SHOW ISSUE” of Angling Trade – CLOSES THIS Friday May, 22nd for AD Space


fish_schoolAngling Trade is gearing up for its biggest issue of the year, to be released in conjunction with the IFTD/ICAST trade show, and the OR Summer Market. FORTY of the industry’s leading companies have reserved space. Have you? We will be closing the magazine for ad space this Friday, May 22nd – with all ad artwork being due June 12th.

This is the issue where we talk new product in detail, with in-depth coverage leading up to the big events.  We will also be producing three E-newsletters directly from the IFTD show, focused on the best products and breaking industry news.

Please act now to reserve ad space in this blockbuster issue, or digital ads on the E-newsletters.  If you want to make a statement, expand your presence, and set your company up for good things in 2016 and beyond, this is the place do do it.  And nobody is going to work harder to help you.We also have three very reasonable spots available for next week’s E – Newsletter which will be sent next Wednesday instead of the usual last Tuesday of the month. That inventory is as follows:

Newsletter Header (banner) – Above Content 468 x 60px Cost $300
Newsletter Banner  468 x 60px   Cost $100
Website Footer 728 X90px   Cost $100

Please let me know ASAP if you’re interested in either the Printed Show issue of Angling Trade, The Show Daily’s, or next week’s E-Newsletter.


Tim Romano

Managing Editor
303.495.3967 p
303.495.2454 f

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